Dealing with sociological as well as mythological representations of fear, Osoresan, is the result of a three years research work. A collaboration between the historian Ken Daimaru and the artist Natacha Nisic after their common residency at the Villa Kujoyama in Kyoto in 2015. Different layers of representation as well as sources of text are combined in a fragmented vision of the relation to fear and tradition after the Great Catastrophy of 2011. Ken Daimaru and Natacha Nisic met the last blind Itako, a blind 84 years woman who has been trained to visit the realm of the dead. We follow her pratice, visions and traditionnal songs, in a journey in post Fukushima landscapes. A choir told by some of the actors of the theatre troop Chiten, refers to the construction of traditional Japanese theatre.

About the project
Yebizu Internationa Festival for New vision, Tokyo, Metroplitan Museum of Photography
Villa Kujoyama, Kyoto
Related works
f, video installation, 2013
Fukushima 1, 2, 3, 4, drawings, 2013-17
e, video installation, 2009
Vivre-Ikiru, photography, 2005
Les endormies, single channel video, 2004