W SONG, 2016, HD video, sound, 13 min. 45 sec.
Diary 1914, 2016, HD video, 18 min. 21 sec.
Diary 1918, 2016, HD video, 9 min. 6 sec.
Performance 1, 2016, HD video, sound, 5 min. 45 sec., Commissioned by SeMA Biennale Mediacity Seoul 2016
Performance 2, 2016, HD video, sound, 5 min. 45 sec., Commissioned by SeMA Biennale Mediacity Seoul 2016
This is a project comprised of performance, video, and installation based on eight copies of books written by Aby Warburg during his dark times in Hamburg during the war years of 1914 1918. At the time he was suffering from a mental disease. Warburg’s diaries, in the permanent collection of the Warburg Institute in London, were written in undecipherable, uninterpretable texts. Natacha Nisic, during her visit to Korea at the end of June 2016, presented a workshop and performance in which she, along with other participants, attempted to analyze and speak about excerpts from Warburg’s texts. The texts and the performance of reciting, written and acted by the participants, constitute a part of the whole project. These are presented in the exhibition together with Warburg’s diaries.
“My wish is to work on this corpus of images as a way of rethinking our relation to history and contemporaneity. The figures of the witness of its times, as well as the positive idea of the truth of the event will be questioned.” (Natacha Nisic)